Results for 'John Whitney Hall'

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    Das Japanische Kaiserreich.C. S. G. & John Whitney Hall - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):386.
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    Tanuma Okitsugu , Forerunner of Modern Japan.Helen Craig McCullough & John Whitney Hall - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (1):40.
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    A model for Pavlovian learning: Variations in the effectiveness of conditioned but not of unconditioned stimuli.John M. Pearce & Geoffrey Hall - 1980 - Psychological Review 87 (6):532-552.
  4.  16
    The Methodological Heritage of Newton.Robert E. Butts & John Whitney Davis (eds.) - 1970 - University of Toronto Press.
    The essays included in this volume are concerned with assessing Newton's contribution to the thought of others. They explore all aspects of the conceptual background-historical, philosophical, and narrowly methodological-and examine questions that developed in the wake of Newton's science.
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    What Capitalism Needs: Forgotten Lessons of Great Economists.John L. Campbell & John A. Hall - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    From unemployment to Brexit to climate change, capitalism is in trouble and ill-prepared to cope with the challenges of the coming decades. How did we get here? While contemporary economists and policymakers tend to ignore the political and social dimensions of capitalism, some of the great economists of the past - Adam Smith, Friedrich List, John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter, Karl Polanyi and Albert Hirschman - did not make the same mistake. Leveraging their insights, sociologists John L. Campbell (...)
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    Cultures of Inquiry: From Epistemology to Discourse in Sociohistorical Research.John R. Hall & John Ross Hall - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
  7.  22
    Review of John A. Hall: Liberalism: Politics, Ideology and the Market.[REVIEW]John A. Hall - 1990 - Ethics 100 (4):893-893.
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  8. Denis Diderot on War and Peace: Nature and Morality / Guerra y paz en Denis Diderot: naturaleza y moralidad.Whitney Mannies & John Christian Laursen - 2014 - Araucaria 16 (32).
    Denis Diderot’s ideas about war and peace crystalize many of the contradictions in the world that he identified. On the one hand, war is a natural product of contradictions between natural law and human developments. On the other hand, it can and should always be subject to moral judgment based on a wide-ranging knowledge of history and context. War can be good if it eliminates tyranny, and bad if it limits freedom, equality, and prosperity. Peace can be good if it (...)
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    III—Quantity of Pleasure.John C. Hall - 1967 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 67 (1):35-52.
    John C. Hall; III—Quantity of Pleasure, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 67, Issue 1, 1 June 1967, Pages 35–52,
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  10. Farewell from the editor, and Appreciation for his service.Barry L. Whitney & John B. Cobb - 2009 - Process Studies 38 (1):2-3.
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    Plato: Euthyphro 10a1-11a10.John C. Hall - 1968 - Philosophical Quarterly 18 (70):1-11.
  12. Causation and Counterfactuals.John Collins, Ned Hall & Laurie Paul (eds.) - 2004 - MIT Press.
    Thirty years after Lewis's paper, this book brings together some of the most important recent work connecting—or, in some cases, disputing the connection ...
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    Collected works of John Stuart mill; volume X — essays on ethics, religion and society.John C. Hall - 1970 - Philosophical Books 11 (3):28-30.
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    Ernest Gellner: an intellectual biography.John A. Hall - 2011 - New York: Verso.
    Ernest Gellner was a multilingual polymath who set the agenda in the study of nationalism and the sociology of Islam for an entire generation of academics and students. This definitive biography follows his trajectory from his early years in Prague, Paris and England to international success as a philosopher and public intellectual. Known both for his highly integrated philosophy of modernity and for combining a respect for nationalism with an appreciation for science, Gellner was passionate in his defence of reason (...)
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  15. Custom, Enactment and Legal Order: A Natural Law Account.Hall Stephen John - 2011 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 8 (1):1-36.
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    Paul Ricoeur and contemporary moral thought.John Wall, William Schweiker & W. David Hall (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Here, some of the most influential thinkers in theological and philosophical ethics develop new directions for research in contemporary moral thought. Taking as their starting point Ricoeur's recent work on moral anthropology, the contributors set a vital agenda for future conversations about ethics and just community.
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    Base-rate respect meets affect neglect.Paul Whitney, John M. Hinson & Allison L. Matthews - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):285-286.
    While improving the theoretical account of base-rate neglect, Barbey & Sloman's (B&S's) target article suffers from affect neglect by failing to consider the fundamental role of emotional processes in decisions. We illustrate how affective influences are fundamental to decision making, and discuss how the dual process model can be a useful framework for understanding hot and cold cognition in reasoning.
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    Dominic Lieven, Empire: The Russian Empire and Its Rivals, London: John Murray, 2000.John A. Hall - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 2 (2):257-271.
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    War as the catalyst of nationalism, or, the demise of the Habsburg, Romanov and Ottoman empires.John A. Hall & Emre Amasyalı - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 173 (1):3-23.
    Nationalism is often singled out as the powerful force that brought about the collapse of the last great land empires of the 19th and early 20th centuries. We offer a different picture: nationalism was weak before 1914, with war being caused by the fears of the great powers rather than pressures from below; crucially war was less an opportunity for pre-existing nationalists to seize than a maelstrom that created new identities.
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    Social foundations of openness.John A. Hall - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (1):24-38.
    Popper's view of the enemies of the open society is held to rest upon psycholo gism, a view of the very great dangers of misguided intellectuals, and a cyclical view of historical process. While there is something to these claims, they are treated here skeptically. But the purpose of the article is less to attack than to reconstruct. To that end, key elements of a sociology appropriate to an open society are offered.
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  21.  32
    Reason in Society: Five Types of Decisions and Their Social Conditions.John C. Hall - 1963 - Philosophical Quarterly 13 (52):284.
  22.  12
    Introducing Environmental Political Theory.Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer, David Schlosberg & Teena Gabrielson - 2016 - In Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer & David Schlosberg (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    This introductory chapter offers an overview of the context, content, and history of environmental political theory as a field of study within political science. It starts by differentiating EPT from both the subfield of political theory and other areas of sustainability and environmental studies, with its focus on the political nature of human/non-human relations. EPT’s development over the last twenty years is discussed, in terms of both substantive foci and maturation as a field. The chapter then turns to an overview (...)
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  23. Counterfactuals and causation: history, problems, and prospects.John Collins, Ned Hall & L. A. Paul - 2004 - In John Collins, Ned Hall & Laurie Paul (eds.), Causation and Counterfactuals. MIT Press. pp. 1--57.
    Among the many philosophers who hold that causal facts1 are to be explained in terms of—or more ambitiously, shown to reduce to—facts about what happens, together with facts about the fundamental laws that govern what happens, the clear favorite is an approach that sees counterfactual dependence as the key to such explanation or reduction. The paradigm examples of causation, so advocates of this approach tell us, are examples in which events c and e— the cause and its effect— both occur, (...)
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  24. Remembered Voices: Reclaiming the Legacy of “Neo-Orthodoxy,”.John Douglas Hall - 1998
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    Logic and Sexual Morality.John C. Hall - 1965 - Penguin Books.
    This philosophical study examines the way in which we think, argue, feel and act about sex. By extension, the author also relates this to the problems of morality and sexual behaviour in society.
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    Is America Breaking Apart?John A. Hall & Charles Lindholm - 1999 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Americans seem to fear that their society is breaking apart, but how accurate is this portrayal and how justified is the fear? Introducing a balanced viewpoint into this intense debate, John Hall and Charles Lindholm demonstrate that such alarm is unfounded. Here they explore the institutional structures of American society, emphasizing its ability to accommodate difference and defuse conflict. The culture, too, comes under scrutiny: influenced by Calvinistic beliefs, Americans place faith in the individual but demand high moral (...)
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    Alfred Schutz, his critics, and applied phenomenology.John R. Hall - 1977 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 4 (3):265-279.
  28.  41
    Cultural meanings and cultural structures in historical explanation.John R. Hall - 2000 - History and Theory 39 (3):331–347.
    One way to recast the problem of cultural explanation in historical inquiry is to distinguish two conceptualizations involving culture: cultural meanings as contents of signification that inform meaningful courses of action in historically unfolding circumstances; and cultural structures as institutionalized patterns of social life that may be elaborated in more than one concrete construction of meaning. This distinction helps to suggest how explanation can operate in accounting for cultural processes of meaning-formation, as well as in other ways that transcend specific (...)
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    Acts and omissions.John C. Hall - 1989 - Philosophical Quarterly 39 (157):399-408.
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    Crop diversity in homegardens of southwest Uganda and its importance for rural livelihoods.Cory W. Whitney, Eike Luedeling, John R. S. Tabuti, Antonia Nyamukuru, Oliver Hensel, Jens Gebauer & Katja Kehlenbeck - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):399-424.
    Homegardens are traditional food systems that have been adapted over generations to fit local cultural and ecological conditions. They provide a year-round diversity of nutritious foods for smallholder farming communities in many regions of the tropics and subtropics. In southwestern Uganda, homegardens are the primary source of food, providing a diverse diet for rural marginalized poor. However, national agricultural development plans as well as economic and social pressures threaten the functioning of these homegardens. The implications of these threats are difficult (...)
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    The Time of History and the History of Times.John R. Hall - 1980 - History and Theory 19 (2):113-131.
    History, more than other subjects, is confronted with the need to understand the nature of social time. Braudel, representing the objectivist approach, argued that there exists a universal objective world-time permeated by diverse tempi and rhythms. Althusser criticized this view by stating that each level within society has its own set of temporal relations. However, Althusser's argument requires not the rejection, but the further understanding of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. In order for his concepts to have meaning, they must be based (...)
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  32.  48
    The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner.John A. Hall & Ian Charles Jarvie (eds.) - 1996 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Contents: John A. HALL and Ian JARVIE: Preface. John A. HALL and Ian JARVIE: The Life and Times of Ernest Gellner. PART 1 INTELLECTUAL BACKGROUND. Ji_i MUSIL: The Prague Roots of Ernest Gellner's Thinking. Chris HANN: Gellner on Malinowski: Words and Things in Central Europe. Tamara DRAGADZE: Ernest Gellner in the Soviet East. PART 2 NATIONS AND NATIONALISM. Brendan O'LEARY: On the Nature of Nationalism: An Appraisal of Ernest Gellner's Writings on Nationalism. Kenneth MINOGUE: Ernest Gellner (...)
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  33. Confessions of a Eurocentric.John A. Hall - 2004 - In Said Amir Arjomand & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.), Rethinking Civilizational Analysis. Sage Publications. pp. 192--200.
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    Tasks.John C. Hall - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (119):108-116.
  35.  67
    Rethinking Professional Ethics in the Cost-Sharing Era.G. Caleb Alexander, Mark A. Hall & John D. Lantos - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):W17-W22.
    Changes in healthcare financing increasingly rely upon patient cost-sharing to control escalating healthcare expenditures. These changes raise new challenges for physicians that are different from those that arose either under managed care or traditional indemnity insurance. Historically, there have been two distinct bases for arguing that physicians should not consider costs in their clinical decisions—an “aspirational ethic” that exhorts physicians to treat all patients the same regardless of their ability to pay, and an “agency ethic” that calls on physicians to (...)
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    The Idea of Justice and the Problem of Argument.John C. Hall - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (60):279-281.
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    Communities of discourse: Ideology and social structure in the reformation, the enlightenment, and European socialism.John A. Hall - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (3):298-299.
  38. The Vacuum.John A. Hall - 1993 - Center for German and European Studies, University of California.
  39.  54
    Globalization and Nationalism.John A. Hall - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 63 (1):63-79.
    Many voices now proclaim that we live in a global age. Doubts are cast on this view in this paper, particularly insofar as it suggests that the nation-state has lost its functional salience for modernity. A first argument suggests, by means of varied figures and analytic consideration, that the world economy is far from globalized. A second argument adds to this an insistence of national diversity within capitalism. None of this is to suggest that nothing has changed. To the contrary, (...)
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    Joshua Cherniss’s Liberalism in Dark Times: on the need for foundations.John Hall - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (3):536-537.
    Liberalism in Dark Times claims to have two aims, to reconstruct a particular form of liberalism that developed in the interwar years and to save it from neglect because it can serve us well in con...
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    An American Portrait: Critical Reflections on Randall Collins’s The Sociology of Philosophies.John A. Hall - 2000 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 30 (2):202-206.
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    Elmtown's youth—the impact of social classes on adolescents.John Hall - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 42 (4):229.
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    Rousseau; an introduction to his political philosophy.John Cecil Hall - 1973 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Schenkman Pub. Co..
  44.  11
    10 Gellner's metaphysic.John A. Hall - 2007 - In Siniša Malešević & Mark Haugaard (eds.), Ernest Gellner and contemporary social thought. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 253.
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    Incomplete reduction of reward and the frustration effect with hunger constant.Lawrence A. Hall & John N. Marr - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):493.
  46.  53
    AmΦIΣbhthΣiΣ TiΣ (Aristotle, E.N. 1096b7–26).John C. Hall - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (01):55-.
    E.N. 1. 6 may be divided into three approximately equal paragraphs. The first of these contains four arguments against Academic positions associated with the phrase ‘Idea of the Good’. All these arguments also occur, together with others, in the Eudemian Ethics. The second paragraph consists of the consideration and rejection of an objection to the whole or a part of A, and is new to E.N. The third , also new to E.N., consists of the putting forward and dismissal of (...)
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    Consequences of utilitarianism.John C. Hall - 1968 - Philosophical Books 9 (2):8-10.
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    List organization and recognition memory.John F. Hall - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (1):35-36.
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    Memory for surnames.John F. Hall - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (6):320-322.
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    Our Current Sense of Anxiety.John A. Hall - 2018 - In Raphael Sassower & Nathaniel Laor (eds.), The Impact of Critical Rationalism: Expanding the Popperian Legacy Through the Works of Ian C. Jarvie. Springer Verlag. pp. 71-79.
    The two pillars of Ian C. Jarvie’s thought have been Karl Popper and Ernest Gellner. Gellner went against Popper’s anti-historicism by seeking to give rationalism social groundings. What had once seemed convincing no longer impresses nearly as much. Gellner’s measure of optimism has been replaced by social tendencies that suggest generalized anxiety.
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